🔴🔵 As a reminder, Students and Staff will be required to wear an appropriate fitting mask 😷{over their mouth & nose} through the day at CCS. 🌡 Also, Students and Staff temperatures will be taken before entering the building. 💥 Parents, please do not leave until your student’s temperature has been taken. 💻 If your student is staying virtual, you must call the office! ☎️

This week we focus on giving thanks. What is it about CCS for which you are grateful? What makes you #CCSThankful? Use the hashtag #CCSThankful to share your CCS story! Feel free to use photos or videos you have collected.

This picture was taken during the food basket pick up today with Turning Point. They are so thankful for our CCS families who donated!

Student Material Pick-Up Information below.
CCS will switch to 100% virtual instruction beginning November 16 until November 30. Students will be able to communicate with teachers via our Google platform.
In addition, all extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are also postponed during this two-week period.
Please keep all individuals and families that have been affected by the virus in your prayers along with all of our students, staff and families during this stressful time.

Verse of the week

Don't forget - the Crusader Store is open until November 25th!

There is a great opportunity to serve! Follow the link to learn how.

Scheduled e-Learning Day on Friday

Dress Up Days!! Information attached!

Use this link to order new gear!

Wish our girls luck as they get ready to play in TN at NACA!

Call the office for tickets!

Nothing about this year is easy - but academic knowledge built with Christian character, wisdom and discernment will help equip the next generation when the journey is hard.❤️ #ccspresson #educationwithahigherpurpose

Graduation pictures are in! 🥳 Families of graduates - look for the link to download pictures in your inbox or contact the school office.
#ccscrusaderfamily #ccscrusderalumni #ccspresson

Happy Monday, Crusader families! 😄
#ccspresson #educationwithahigherpurpose