Important Dates

Upcoming Dates


7 - Good Friday (No School)

10 - Easter Monday (No School)

14 & 15 - "Artist Retreat" (A CCS Drama Production)

14-19 - SAT (CCS Juniors)

18 - National Honor Society Induction

27 - Creative Crusader

27 - Choir Concert

28 - Prom

29 - Senior Trip Golf Fundraiser


1-12 - iLearn (3rd-8th graders)

4 - Middle School Essentials (6pm)

4 - High School Essentials (7pm)

8-12 - Senior Trip

8-12 - Teacher Appreciation Week

15 - Pre-K Graduation (9am)

15 - Preschool Graduation (12:30pm)

17 - Senior Chapel

18 - Field Day

19 - Kindergarten Graduation

19 - Awards Day

19 - Last Day of School

19 - Graduation (7pm)


order online

Order Lunches Online

Place your students order and payment for breakfast and lunch here:

Meal prices:
Breakfast $2 / Lunch $3 / Snacks: $0.50 or $1 (available at limited times)

Questions/Comments: Please contact Tammy Carlson at or call/text 1-812-322-4679.

Additional Information

School Contacts:

School Office Phone Number: 812-372-3780
Secretary Email:
Principal Email:
Superintendent Email:

Faculty & Staff Directory

School Hours:

Preschool (3yr olds):  Mon-Thurs  12:30PM - 2:30PM
Pre-Kindergarten (4yr olds):  M-F  9:00AM - 11:30AM
Half-day Kindergarten: 8:00AM - 11:30AM
Full-day Kindergarten / Elementary: 8:00AM - 3:00PM
Middle School: 8:00AM - 3:15PM

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